I’ve been finding myself going round and round with myself lately on whether or not my preference is to create a little personal website / journal for myself and take things back to a somewhat simpler time of doing things and approaching things…. or whether it’s better to just rewind my digital clock to the blogging era…. or if perhaps there’s a place for both.
I feel a little bit like I might be overthinking it, too.
But, it’s probably not a terrible idea to overthink it, either… I tend to think of every precense I have online as having it’s own unique usage and context, so it kinda stands to reason that I’d assign some sort of value or context to the type of way I’d even approach writing for a space like this vs. a blog running something like WordPress.
This is feels a little bit more like writing an email to myself that I can share publicly if I want to .
I’ve started using Mastodon fairly heavily recently, and while I like it…. it’s not necessarily the best place for all of my thoughts and media. But I like the idea of being connected to the Fediverse somehow.
But I also like the idea of a space seperate from that…. Gemini is also interesting to me for this reason.
Not everything I create needs a wide audience, it just needs to find the right audience.
So, bottom line…. I’m undecided and I’m probably just going to do both and see what sticks.